Academic Regulations
Honor Roll
Parents are encouraged to support their child’s efforts to reach Honor Roll.
Quarterly Honor Roll Requirements (grades k-2)
1. Student must complete all assignments required for each quarter.
2. A total grade average of 94% or above for A-Honor Roll or 88% - 93% for B-Honor Roll.
3. Each monthly Scripture must be memorized for the quarter.
4. Students working above their level may include expanded curriculum with teacher approval.
Quarterly Honor Roll Requirements (grades 3-12)
1. A total average of 94% or above for A-Honor Roll or 88% - 93% for B-Honor Roll.
2. Student must be academically balanced at the discretion of the teacher.
3. Each monthly Scripture must be memorized for the quarter.
4. At least one oral report per quarter.
Academic Requirements for Graduation
GHBS offers two Credited diplomas for high school graduation: College Preparatory Diploma and High School General Diploma. A Vocational Diploma is available, but not Credited. In order to recieve a credited diploma, you will need to dual enroll for 5.5 credits in your senior year.
College prep math should include Algebra I, geometry, and Algebra II.
College prep science should include chemistry or physics.
History must include world history, U.S. history, and government/economics.
One Bible elective must be Doctrines (Wesleyan-Armenian, as taught at GHBS)
College prep or General must include one Bible course from AOA dual enrollment.
Many colleges now require one to two years of a world language.
Bible Diplomas are optional but recommended. A Bible Diploma requires four Bible courses including NT Survey, OT Survey, Doctrine of Holiness and one additional from the list of approved Bible courses.
Typical Sequence of Courses for a College Preparatory Student
Students on the college prep study track should contact prospective colleges to find out if world language credits are needed for acceptance. If required by your state, state history courses are available. A college planner course is also strongly recommended.
Vocational Diploma
Every student should strive to complete a course of study that prepares him for college or good employment after graduation from high school. However, when age, aptitude, interests and skills indicate a student cannot complete College Preparatory or General Diploma requirements, that student shall be prescribed a Vocational course of study.
Graduates with Special Circumstances
Transfer students must complete a minimum of one year (5 credits) at GHBS, including one year of Bible in Doctrine of Holiness. Only the Executive Committee may make exceptions to this policy.
Graduation with Honors
To be eligible to be valedictorian or salutatorian, a student must have taken no fewer than 6 credits at GHBS, must have completed all requirements for a College Prep Diploma, must finish with a 3.33 GPA or minimum overall average of 92%.
All graduating seniors who have a GPA of 3.0 or higher may wear honor cords.
Point System:
100% - 94% 4.0
93% - 88% 3.0
87% - 80% 2.0
Student Class Status
Freshman……….0-5 Credits
Sophomore …….6-10 Credits
Junior …………. 11-15 Credits
Senior…………...16 or more Credits
Changes in status may be made only at a semester break or at the end of the school year.